Software and web resources
ColonyTrack is an R package to process raw data from the ‘ColonyRack’ system. In addition to generating pre-processed data and quality control information, a range of high-level metrics are calculated together with convenient tools for analysis.
AgeMiner is a text mining database and web interface covering age-related molecular changes in neurons. This resource provides a 'semantic search' approach to navigating the large and diverse ageing literature.
NeurogenesisMiner is an interactive web interface to a database of molecular interactions extracted from the adult neurogenesis literature. This resource can be used to link candidate genes/proteins to functional networks and to quickly retrieve relevant literature supporting an interaction of interest.
COVIDminerAPI is an R package enabling easy interaction with the COVIDminer API.
COVIDminer is a web interface enabling interactive access to a database of molecular interactions that have been extracted from the literature by text mining. The project is designed to enable rapid identification of potential new interactions for the building of molecular pathway models.
An R package for analysis of behavioural tracking data.
The Mammalian Adult Neurogenesis Gene Ontology is a web resource containing all known genes affecting adult hippocampal neurogenesis.
An R package for removing SNP-containing probes from Affymetrix microarray CDFs.
An R package for grid-constrained layout of large graphs.
An R package for force-directed layout of large graphs.
A Java application for tracking cells in culture.
A basic web tool for manipulating and reformatting DNA sequences.